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Three Beautiful Things

I just found this new blog that I am really enjoying ( http://threebeautifulthings.blogspot.com/ ). She is a woman in Britain who thinks of 3 things everyday that are beautiful. I really like this idea, because it reminds me that I want to keep a Thankful Journal, even though I never have.

So here are my 3 beautiful things for the day.

1) Coming home to a package on the doorstep after forgetting that you were supposed to be receiving something.

2) Having my husband throw his arm over me after my alarm goes off for the 3rd time so I can't get out of bed just yet.

3) Finding 2 amazing sweaters at a store when you went in looking for boots but couldn't find any good ones. Especially when fall weather just started.... Mmmmmmm......


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  • I'm ~Plain Jane~
  • From Sunnyvale, California, United States
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